One step closer to becoming a runner :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
June 5th…could be the death of me
One step closer to becoming a runner :)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I’m a crochet class drop out…
Now to the reason why I’m a crochet class drop-out. So the class consisted of two classes. YES – only two. I went to the first class. I didn’t feel like going to the second two hour class where I was unable to accomplish what I originally wanted to get done. I originally planned to go, but when my roommate said hey do you want to grab sushi tonight. I was all about that idea. I think the next time I go home I’m going to sit down with my aunt and have her teach me.
Now to the bright side of things…failing at crocheting made me realize that the sewing machine is calling my name. Sewing is so much easier and mindless. Hmmm what type of sewing project will I come up with.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Body and Soul = Yoga
I don't know why, but something about the title just makes me chuckle. Tomorrow night I'm going to a yoga class. I really struggle with yoga for a few reasons.
#1 - I'm not very flexible
I'm going to try really hard this class to relax and enjoy it.
So for all my ag friends I thought you would get a good chuckle out of this. There is a yoga pose called the cow face. Its called the cow face because when posed the outline of the body supposedly looks like the broad mouth and narrow head of a cow. Maybe its just me, but I don't see it. Check out the you tube video below and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Fat Tuesday, Lent, Running and Crocheting
an iPod arm band at Sports Authority.

Of coures, I had to stop by Tj-max for
a Betseyville computer bag that was
Well, this is still a work in progress, but a big update from my last post. I worked for about 2 hours on Sunday night. I'm starting to get the hang of it, but it still takes me a really long time. More updates to come towards the end of the week.
You can actually tell it is a
flower in the middle this time.
Stay tuned for an update on the girls weekend.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Crocheting or some people call it...
- Crocheting is for old ladies
- That doesn't suprise me
- People still crochet

What kids say about love
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."Karl - age 5
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7
"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her."Bethany - age 4
"Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross." Mark - age 6
I'll have an update for you later tonight on my crotchet class!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Loves Happens

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
You know you look ridiculous when...

On Saturday I returned from San Antonio, as I was struggling to get out of the baggage claim at the airport a lady tapped me on the shoulder. As I turned around, to my suprise there was a luggage cart. The ladies generousty made by day! :)
for yourself. It’s what you do for others." Danny Thomas
Monday, February 1, 2010
28 days of fitness
I plan to do some sort of physical activity every day. My original plan was to start my half marathon training program tonight, but I rubbed my heels raw at the trade show last week. It probably wasn't the best idea to where a pair of new flats. I thought they would be more comfortable than heels, well I learned my lesson. I eventually smashed down the backs and wore them as slip ons.

Back to the 28 days of fitness...
- Start training for a half marathon
- Go to a spinning class
- Go to Aspen Athletic Club for group fitness classes 3 days a week
- Do a workout routine that involves lunges atleast 1 day a week
Sunday, January 24, 2010
And the winner is...
The person closest to the total was saleringqueen with a guess of $68.00. She wins a lovely prize! I spent $72.00 at the Denver market.
I will deliver the prize when I return from sunny San Antonio! :)
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stacy and myself
Memories from Nashville...
- Hanging out with Macy gray at the pool (inside joke)
- Using the term bald guy (aka random guy being crazy drunk)
- Meeting great people (priceless)
This week, I'm in San Antonio for the 2010 NCBA conference. I'm excited to see some of the past interns and K-staters in sunny San Antonio. I'm also sad because Stacy isn't here to celebrate our three year anniversay of friendship. :(
Stay tuned for more info on San Antonio!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Denver = Amazing

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Let the stories begin...
Please feel free to leave me comments.
Keep warm!