I'm catholic, so in honor of FAT TUESDAY and with Lent starting tomorrow I did a little shopping and drinking tonight. Sorry to dissapoint you, but I didn't wear party beads.
I'm giving up shopping for Lent. I consider myself to be professional, so this is going to be a real sacrifice. I honestly love shopping not just for myself, but other people. For those of you that don't know what Lent is, it is the time from Ash Wednesdy to Easter.
I bought a new pair of running shoes and
an iPod arm band at Sports Authority.
FYI...please notice the CLEARANCE tag.
Of coures, I had to stop by Tj-max for
a Betseyville computer bag that was
originally $55 and at Tj-max I paid $19.99.
I had to swipe the old debt-it card a few last times before Lent started. I love Tj's it is one of my favorite stores. During lent, I also do not eat meat on fridays or I try not to. Last year I would always forget and remember after I would place my order. That didn't exactly work out so well.
Half marathon update -
I'm signing up for the Des Moines
Dam to Dam (June 5th) 20K. A couple other co-workers are going to run the race, so I figure I can do it too. I plan to follow the
Hal Higdon 12 week half marathon program for novice. I bought new shoes, so I don't have an excuse not to run and now that I have an iPod holder I have the tunes too. I'm a huge fan of the app Pandora. Honestly, I'm sorta scared, but I'm ready for the challenge at the same time. I have always wanted to do something like this and I figure it will be a great way to get in shape. Now I just need the weather to warm up.
Crochet update -
Well, this is still a work in progress, but a big update from my last post. I worked for about 2 hours on Sunday night. I'm starting to get the hang of it, but it still takes me a really long time. More updates to come towards the end of the week.

You can actually tell it is a
flower in the middle this time.
Stay tuned for an update on the girls weekend.